Book Chapters & Article Contributions
Contributed to the CHAPTER of "Mid-Trimester Pregnancy Loss" by book released by Mumbai Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society - on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss - 2nd December 2018.
Contributed in the NEWSLETTER on Pregnancy after Repeated Implantation Failure in Persistent Thin Endometrium -in the magazine released by Zydus Pharma in December 2018.
Contributed in the NEWSLETTER on Luteal Phase Oestrogen Supplementation: Is it Beneficial ? released by ISAR Express in February 2019.
Contributed in the CHAPTER on Empty Follicular Syndrome- by book released by Jaypee Brothers at ISAR 2019(Annual Conference) - Decision Making In Infertility
Contributed in the CHAPTER on Failure to respond to gonadotropins - by book released by Jaypee Brothers at ISAR 2019(Annual Conference) - Decision Making In Infertility in March 2019.
Contributed in the CHAPTER on Unruptured Follicular Syndrome - by book released Jaypee Brothers at ISAR 2019(Annual Conference) - Decision Making In Infertility in March 2019.
Contributed in the CHAPTER on Medical Management of OligoAsthenoTeratoozoospermia - by book released by Jaypee Brothers at ISAR 2019(Annual Conference) - Decision Making In Infertility in March 2019.
Contributed in the NEWSLETTER on Clomiphene Citrate Resistant PCOS - released by Inca Life Sciences May 2019.
Contributed in the CHAPTER on "Unexplained Infertility - does it exist" in the book released by FOGSI Focus on Recent Advances In Infertility November 2019.
Contributed in the CHAPTER on "Mitochondrial Energy Booster" in the book released by FOGSI Handbook of Drugs in Infertility January 2020.
Contributed in the CHAPTER on "PID and Infertility" in the book released by Jaypee brothers publications - Infertility Management Made Easy Third Edition
Contributed in the CHAPTER on "Assessment of Thin endometrium and its impact on fertility outcome" in the book released by Endoscopy - The current views for enhancing infertility and ART success.
Contributed in the NEWSLETTER on - If the embryo can implant in the fallopian Tube then why not in the Endometrial Lining? released by ISAR Express in Issue 2 2020-2021.
Contributed in the NEWSLETTER on MOGS- News & Views on Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Volume 3 December 2021.
Contributed in the CHAPTER on Atosiban in the Book on Drugs in Obstetrics & Gynecology.